Women’s Transformational Roles in Local Conflict Prevention

By: WPHF | November 2023 | Case studies



Recognizing that women’s participation in conflict prevention at all levels is often invisible or overlooked, this new research study, “Women’s Transformational Roles in Local Conflict Prevention,” sheds light on the strategies, tools, and innovative approaches of women’s rights organizations (WROs) while identifying best practices and lessons learned from their critical work on peacebuilding and conflict prevention.

The study also spotlights the tremendous contributions of women peacebuilders and their local organizations to conflict prevention, examines the unique challenges they face, and aims to shift the international funding architecture to accelerate support for their conflict prevention work across the globe.

Throughout the study, many examples showcase the critical work of women as peacebuilders, mediators, preventors of violence, combatants, and victims of violence in their communities, often building upon their existing roles to effectively address the drivers of conflict, challenge existing gender norms, and participate in decision-making on peace and security issues.


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