Digital Peacebuilders Guide

Digital technologies affect how we experience conflict. Whether it’s hate speech in our social media or bringing together diverse groups for online training, digital tools can harm & help our…...

Power Awareness Tool: A tool for analysing power in partnerships for development

Relationships between international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) and local NGOs are characterised by power imbalances. There are several compelling reasons why these imbalances are undesirable and need to be addressed. This…...

KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Direct Acquisition & Assistance Funding for Localization

This document provides the methodology for three localization indicators that measure direct funding to local partners obligated through acquisition and assistance (A&A) instruments: 1) Direct Local Funding; 2) Direct South-South…...

The Peacemaking Covenant

As existing frameworks continue to fall short in delivering inclusive peace, it is time to re-think peacemaking. Over the last two years we have done exactly that. Conducting more than…...

Systems Innovation Guide Series

This guide is designed to give readers a high-level overview to what systems innovation is. We first give a short historical overview to the rise of the concept before going…...

Becoming locally led as an anti-racist practice: a guide

This draft guide has been developed in response to the growing demand from the international development sector, the UK in particular, to ensure that organisations change how they work, make…...

Community-driven systems change

Community-driven systems change is an approach to development and social transformation that emphasizes the insight, leadership, and ownership of the people who are living and experiencing issues at the community…...

Anti-Racist and Decolonial Framework

This framework has been developed to help Start Network, our members and teams understand and address the many ways in which racism and colonialism can affect our work....

Illustrative Procurement Language for USAID Missions and Operating Units

USAID Mission and Operating Unit (OU) staff interested in facilitating locally led development have an opportunity to effect change through the incorporation of key principles and approaches into their solicitations.…...

Guidelines for Joint Learning and Mutual Capacity Strengthening Before, During, and After Transition

Capacity strengthening and learning during programmatic and organizational transitions should be considered a joint process. And, one that not only addresses a diversity of needs but also acknowledges the context…...