Inclusive Language Guide

Language has the power to reinforce or deconstruct systems of power that maintain poverty, inequality and suffering. As we are making commitments to decolonization in practice, it is important that…...

Metrics Matter: How USAID counts “local” will have a big impact on funding for local partners

In November 2021, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Samantha Power laid out a vision for international development with a big goal: by the end of 2025,…...

“Co-investigators but with different power”: Local voices on the localization of humanitarian research

Humanitarian research has long been dominated by institutions from the Global North (GN), while institutions and researchers from the Global South (GS) have been largely absent or relegated to minor…...

On the Right Tack: Reflections on Coalition-Building Initiatives Across The Asia Foundation

Coalitions—groups of organizations and individuals that work together to pursue a common policy goal or reform—are crucial to development. Some of The Asia Foundation's longest-standing and most successful development programs…...

Guidance: How to implement the Grand Bargain commitments at the country-level?

This was developed by the Grand Bargain Secretariat with the aim to translate the results achieved so far into practical examples of implementation and also to strengthen the linkages with…...

Grand Bargain Annual Independent Report 2023

Following a reformulation of the Grand Bargain priorities and structure (the Grand Bargain 2.0 framework) in 2020 and 2021, 2022 saw a consolidation of action at the political level, which…...

The nine roles that intermediaries can play in international cooperation

In recent years, there has been growing scrutiny of the largely unchanged role that INGOs have played in humanitarian, development and peacebuilding efforts. This scrutiny includes the push towards greater…...

Looking Forward: Connecting Futures Thinking Mediation and Reconciliation

It can seem impossible for those caught up in violent conflict and its consequences to find space to imagine what peace might look like. Our new briefing paper explains how…...

Governing Well: Five questions aid organisations’ governing boards should be asking

Aid organisations’ governing boards could and should play a much stronger role in ensuring that the organisations they oversee meet the CHS Commitments to people affected by crisis. This “Governing…...

The Majority of Localization Efforts Have Failed. THIS ONE CONTINUES TO SHINE.

The vast majority of localization efforts have failed. The purpose of this study is not to unpack the reasons for these failures (others already have), but rather tocelebrate the demonstrated…...