The theme of this edition of Humanitarian Exchange is localisation and local humanitarian action. Five years ago this week, donors, United Nations (UN) agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), the International Committee…...
Weathering the Storm: Resourcing Girls and Young Activists Through a Pandemic
‘Weathering the Storm’ lifts up the hopes, dreams and realities of young activists organising against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing on lessons from a feminist fund set up…...
Time to Decolonise Aid
In November 2020, Peace Direct, Adeso, the Alliance for Peacebuilding and Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security held a three-day online consultation with 158 activists, decision- makers, academics, journalists…...
DRC Case Study: Equitable & Strategic Partnerships In Entry and Exit Approaches
This case study was produced as part of the Danish Refugee Council’s (DRC) Global Civil Society Learning Initiative. The thematic focus is of the learning initiative, including this case study,…...
Framework for shifting bilateral programmes to local actors
This document presents an initial framing developed to support analysis of separation of functions, Value for Money and risk, to help facilitate a shift from UN/INGO led programmes, to locally-led…...
What does it mean to be community?led? Community leaders’ perspectives on principles, practices and impacts (Part 1)
Over 2020, the GFCF, along with field partners in six countries, engaged in participatory research with knowledgeable local community leaders to: Over 2020, the GFCF, along with field partners in…...
Funding Women Peacebuilders: Dismantling Barriers to Peace
Recognizing the value and need to channel equitable resources to local women’s peacebuilding organizations (WPBOs) have been constant stipulations of the value of the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) agenda…...
Innovation for Localisation: Exploring the Impact of Channeling Unrestricted Funding to NNGOs in Emergency Contexts
The impetus for advancing solutions towards local leadership, dispelling the risk narrative, and as a result increasing L/NNGOs’ access to unrestricted institutional funding has never been greater. Despite this, research…...
International funding for peacebuilding: Will COVID-19 change or reinforce existing trends?
COVID-19 has exacerbated factors influencing international support for peacebuilding, including a more volatile geopolitical order and changes in domestic priorities in donor countries. Peacebuilding and a conflict-sensitive approach have not…...
Understanding the Inclusive Peace-Development- Humanitarian Nexus: Gender, Climate and Sustaining Peace in the Pacific
On 18 June 2020, GPPAC and the Shifting the Power Coalition, in partnership with the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, organised an online expert-level consultation entitled “Understanding the Inclusive Peace-…...