Overcoming Barriers to Resourcing Young Peacebuilders

Funding for youth-led peacebuilding remains a challenge, despite aglobal recognition of the important role that young peacebuilders playin peacebuilding and sustaining peace. This paper explores strategiesto overcome the barriers faced…...

Case Study: Peace Bonds – bankable structures that can lower risk and enhance peace

A joint study supported by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and led by Interpeace, and Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (SEB), has outlined the process, mechanisms, conditions and…...

Listening and Localisation

This research aims to uncover how the calls for radical change to the spatialised power relations between the Global South and Global North in the humanitarian system were voiced and…...

Financing for Young People in Peacebuilding An Overview

Ensuring adequate financing has been a central concern for the YPS agenda since its inception. Yet so far discussions on how to improve the quantity and quality of resources have…...

Experience of Danish CSOs Working with Operationalization of the HDP Nexus

Global Focus is seeking to promote joint analysis and understanding amongst Danish CSOs on how to operationalise the Humanitarian - Development - Peace (HDP) nexus. Workshops and a broader learning…...

Transformation in the aid and development sector?

A publication series on key issues of change and transformation in the humanitarian system, covering:- Localisation- Decolonising Aid- Business operating models- Funding models and finance- Ways of working- South-South and…...

At the Forefront of Climate Action: Local approaches to climate sensitive conflict and violence prevention

As sea levels rise, soil erosion accelerates, and droughts and floods intensify -- to name only three impacts of climate change -- local communities are increasingly affected. People lose their…...

Fund Us Like You Want Us to Win: Feminist Solutions for more Impactful Financing for Peacebuilding

This background paper was prepared by the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP), Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN), Kvinna till…...

What’s the Password: Language and Exclusion in Global Peacebuilding

Through analysis of the 2019 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development in New York at the United Nations (UN)headquarters, this report explores the ways in which language affects inclusive…...

Designing Effective Financing Mechanisms for Local Peacebuilders

Local peacebuilders and their networks are widely recognised as critical agents in meaningfully building and sustaining peace. Yet, there is a dire gap in resourcing local peacebuilding work: not only…...