Breaking the Starvation Cycle

The Overhead Myth that suggests that low overheads in non-profits is a sign of efficiency has led to many donors underfunding the associated administration costs of their project grants and…...

Looking Forward: Connecting Futures Thinking Mediation and Reconciliation

It can seem impossible for those caught up in violent conflict and its consequences to find space to imagine what peace might look like. Our new briefing paper explains how…...

Passing the Buck: Economics of Localizing International Assistance

A study by the Share Trust and the Warande Advisory Centre estimates the economic implications of shifting 25% of Official Development Assistance (ODA) - aligned with Grand Bargain and USAID…...

‘Peace’ in the HumanitarianDevelopment-Peacebuilding Nexus Learning and Practice Note

As part of the Danish Network for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding (CPPB)’s Peace in the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus initiative, CDA Collaborative Learning (CDA) conducted global research with Danish civil society…...

Localisation and Decolonisation

In this paper Peace Direct explore the nuances of each concept, examine the problematic mixing of the terms, and outline how we can change systems in a tangible way.As Peace…...

International Peacebuilding Financing and Changing Politics in Europe

Official Development Assistance (ODA) from European countries and the EU institutions has been a large and important source of grant funding for international peacebuilding over the last twenty years. It…...

The Grand Bargain 2021: An Independent Review

The Grand Bargain was first agreed in May 2016, bringing together representatives of 19 donor countries and 16 international aid organisations from the United Nations, international non-governmental organisations and the…...

Racism in the aid sector

In the last two years, since the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, many countries around the world have faced a day of reckoning on racial injustice in their societies.…...

Locally-Led Peacebuilding: From Policy To Action

The concept of locally-led development has been gaining traction in recent years. While some progress has been made, significant cultural, operational, and policy challenges remain and require a tectonic shift…...

Decolonising peacebuilding: A way forward out of crisis

A shifting state system, a dysfunctional market and a restless global society face rising economic inequality and mass migration, accelerating polarisation and extremism, and urgent demands for decolonisation, racial justice…...