The Re-thinking Development Cooperation Working Group: Lessons on Partnership Building

By: Center for Global Development | February 2024 | Blog



The development landscape has changed significantly since the turn of the century: rules and policies have been shaped, and reshaped; unconventional approaches have been adopted; new multilateral institutions and agencies have been formed; and a diverse range of development cooperation providers have emerged. For development agencies, these unprecedented changes mean a rethink—in terms of how they organize themselves, who they work with and how they work with partners—is required. Yet current understanding and dialogue between official development agencies leaves many blind spots about the realities of their respective development cooperation. An initiative launched by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) sought to fill this gap and pave the way for a better understanding of development cooperation approaches, more complementary engagement, and mutually beneficial partnerships.


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