South Meets North in Power Shift: A Participatory Grantmaking (PGM) Model

By: Rights Colab | September 2023 | Toolkits



Following an extensive prototyping process by RINGO Lab members, Norsaac and Transform Trade have produced a new practical resource for those interested in adopting a more participatory way of working. The document entitled South Meets North in Power Shift: A Participatory Grantmaking (PGM) Model explores the concept of participatory grantmaking and discusses how southern NGOs and northern INGOs can use this model to shift decision-making power of grantmaking to communities they are seeking to impact. This document highlights the key principles, stakeholders, and strengths of participatory grantmaking, provides guidance on its implementation, presents case studies, the challenges associated with participatory grantmaking as well as solutions to the challenges.


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