Resourcing Change: Supporting Women’s Rights Organizations in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

By: Women for Women International, WILPF, and Saferworld | 2022 | Reports and Policy Briefs



Funded by the UK’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund, our ‘Resourcing Change’ project – in partnership with WILPF and Saferworld – has provided 21 women’s rights organizations in Nigeria, South Sudan and Yemen with an average of £35,000 in flexible core funding, with relatively easier requirements and process.

This funding has enabled them to continue responding to their self-identified community needs even when these change unexpectedly, strengthen their organizational capacities to work independently and allowed them to come together and learn from each other.

This briefing paper presents the main outcomes and learning from this project and sets out recommendations for donors and international organizations seeking to meaningfully support women’s rights organizations in fragile and conflict-affected states.


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