aking a fresh and critical look at localisation, this report calls on international humanitarian organisations and donors to rethink their approaches to partnerships in conflict-affected crisis situa
Responsible INGO Transitions and Locally Led Development
A key component of working towards locally led development is to enable responsible partnership transition processes. This is especially crucial in the aid sector where donor priorities regularly shi
NGO Leaders On Current & Future Change: CEO Survey Report
During this unprecedented time, 115 executives responded to the InterAction NGO Futures 2022 annual survey, representing the full spectrum of size and diversity across international development, huma
Guidelines for Joint Learning and Mutual Capacity Strengthening Before, During, and After Transition
Capacity strengthening and learning during programmatic and organizational transitions should be considered a joint process. And, one that not only addresses a diversity of needs but also acknowledge
Planning Guidance for Donors Working with INGOs and Local Partners
Many donors see a significant gap between their desire to foster sustainable local development and the knowledge and processes for actually doing so. The Stopping As Success (SAS) literature review,
Animated Manifesto for Change
In March 2019, the GFCF invited a group of partners from Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia to travel to London for a few days to attend the annual BOND conference as well as a day-long brai
Coffee for Peace, PCBI and Mennonite Church Canada
This report presents the case study of the Mennonite Church Canada and its relationship with PeaceBuilders Community, Inc. (PBCI), a Mindanao-based peacebuilding organization in the Philippines that
Making Good On Donors’ Desire to Do Development Differently.
Foreign aid donors are increasingly focused on changing the way their development agencies function. This discourse has focused on desired qualities, including greater knowledge of local contextual r
Localisation in practice: emerging indicators and practical recommendations
This report was commissioned by the DEPP (Disasters and Emergencies Preparedness Programmes) Learning Project to contribute to learning on best practice for localisation, and to move forward the disc
Global Governance and Local Peace: Accountability and Performance in International Peacebuilding
Why do international peacebuilding organizations sometimes succeed and sometimes fail even within the same country? Bridging the gaps between the peacekeeping, peacebuilding, and global governance