Inquiry Process Synthesis Report

RINGO aims to create a more equal global civil society, with more resources and power held by those most impacted by the issues they face. This report summarizes what we discovered about why the syst

Re-imagining the INGO

RINGO has partnered with Disrupt Development to launch a podcast series to explore the future of global civil society through the lens of the RINGO Social Lab. In this first episode Gigi Ong-Alok

Perspectives On Localization

This paper is presented to share implementing partners' experiences and insights with USAID as the Agency rolls out its plans for localization. It draws on data provided by the member companies of th

Localization is Self-Determination

This paper gives a personal political perspective on the policy dispute about localization in the humanitarian sector to argue that localization is a realization of the political right to self-determ