A locally led humanitarian system that is accountable to people at risk or affected by crisis is also one where communities have agency and voice over humanitarian interventions that respond to their
Financing Peacebuilding and the Triple Nexus: Organizational Structures and Incentives to Improve Coherence
policy recommendations as part of the Good Peacebuilding Financing initiative. While high-level events can be useful for galvanizing political commitment, the translation of those commitments into
Decolonising Aid: A reading and resource list
In the last couple of years, "decolonising aid" has become a buzz term in the sector, and much has been written and said about the topic. Here is a list of articles, podcasts, videos, and other re
Is Ukraine the next tipping point for humanitarian aid reform?
Mega-crises have the potential to trigger sector-wide humanitarian reform. The aid responses to these crises are usually highly visible, attract generous levels of funding, and involve numerous and v
Community-driven systems change
Community-driven systems change is an approach to development and social transformation that emphasizes the insight, leadership, and ownership of the people who are living and experiencing issues at
How banks’ aversion to risk is hindering peacebuilding and humanitarian work
Bank accounts blocked. Financial transfers suspended so cash has to be carried in hand. Charities forced to change names to sound less “risky”. These are some of the ways some humanitarian, peacebuil
“We have already spent everything we had in our own wallets”: How international aid is failing Ukrainian responders – and what to do about it
“We have already spent everything we had in our own wallets”: How international aid is failing Ukrainian responders – and what to do about it
Beyond box-ticking: how conflict sensitivity can shape a more equitable aid system
In the last decade, the international aid system has failed to translate its commitments to “conflict sensitivity” into action. Instead, this article suggests that conflict sensitivity risks becoming
The Grand Bargain 2021: An Independent Review
The Grand Bargain was first agreed in May 2016, bringing together representatives of 19 donor countries and 16 international aid organisations from the United Nations, international non-governmental
Racism in aid sector is a hangover of colonialism, says scathing report by MPs
Senior roles still dominated by white people while appeals depict countries as inferior to UK, says international development committee