A study by the Share Trust and the Warande Advisory Centre estimates the economic implications of shifting 25% of Official Development Assistance (ODA) - aligned with Grand Bargain and USAID commitme
Why we all need to be systems thinkers
Looking at the news these days, with the wars, famines and aid cuts (and let’s not forget the unprecedented soul-searching taking place about the problems in our development sector), you would be for
Localisation and Decolonisation
In this paper Peace Direct explore the nuances of each concept, examine the problematic mixing of the terms, and outline how we can change systems in a tangible way.As Peace Direct Chief Executive, D
International Peacebuilding Financing and Changing Politics in Europe
Official Development Assistance (ODA) from European countries and the EU institutions has been a large and important source of grant funding for international peacebuilding over the last twenty years
‘Peace’ in the HumanitarianDevelopment-Peacebuilding Nexus Learning and Practice Note
As part of the Danish Network for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding (CPPB)s Peace in the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus initiative, CDA Collaborative Learning (CDA) conducted global r
Becoming locally led as an anti-racist practice: a guide
This draft guide has been developed in response to the growing demand from the international development sector, the UK in particular, to ensure that organisations change how they work, make decision
The Decolonisers
Decolonisation is a new way of confronting racism. It means rooting out colonial-era attitudes of white superiority that linger in our societies and institutions
Rethinking Humanitarianism | Is ‘decolonised aid’ an oxymoron?
When The New Humanitarian hosted a private convening on decolonising aid earlier this year, the conversation in the room revealed a chasm within the humanitarian aid community. There are two very
Why is “locally led development” missing the mark?
INGOs’ current interest in power and equity is welcome and long overdue. Barely a day goes by without a webinar or new report on shifting power, decolonising aid or transforming development. Vario
The High Price of Lowballing Local Organizations
In the push to “localize” humanitarian aid, most funders are ignoring the obvious. What do you do when people who give you something you badly need but insult or injure you in the process? You smi