The vast majority of localization efforts have failed. The purpose of this study is not to unpack the reasons for these failures (others already have), but rather tocelebrate the demonstrated success
Breaking the Starvation Cycle
The Overhead Myth that suggests that low overheads in non-profits is a sign of efficiency has led to many donors underfunding the associated administration costs of their project grants and driven a
From Operations to Outcomes: A Policy Blueprint for Locally-Led Development
Twenty global thought-leaders and 2,000 participants from over 100 countries discussed what it will take to operationalize locally-led development. This report outlines insights from those discussion
Aid profiles: The head of CARE on her decolonisation ‘journey’
In this occasional series, Aid profiles, The New Humanitarian profiles both leading and lesser-known humanitarians whose professional and personal stories offer provocative perspectives on the challe
HDP Nexus: Challenges and Opportunities for its Implementation Final Report
This study on the challenges and opportunities of implementing the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus (or Triple Nexus) was commissioned by the European Commission, EEAS and ECHO. The study builds
Passing the Buck: Economics of Localizing International Assistance
A study by the Share Trust and the Warande Advisory Centre estimates the economic implications of shifting 25% of Official Development Assistance (ODA) - aligned with Grand Bargain and USAID commitme
Why we all need to be systems thinkers
Looking at the news these days, with the wars, famines and aid cuts (and let’s not forget the unprecedented soul-searching taking place about the problems in our development sector), you would be for
Becoming locally led as an anti-racist practice: a guide
This draft guide has been developed in response to the growing demand from the international development sector, the UK in particular, to ensure that organisations change how they work, make decision
‘Peace’ in the HumanitarianDevelopment-Peacebuilding Nexus Learning and Practice Note
As part of the Danish Network for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding (CPPB)s Peace in the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus initiative, CDA Collaborative Learning (CDA) conducted global r
International Peacebuilding Financing and Changing Politics in Europe
Official Development Assistance (ODA) from European countries and the EU institutions has been a large and important source of grant funding for international peacebuilding over the last twenty years