This brief shares insights from the efforts of The Economic Justice Program (EJP) of the Open Society Foundations' Strategy & Impact Unit to develop a focused, principles?driven approach to monit
Donor Statement on Supporting Locally Led Development
The world's development, humanitarian, and peacebuilding challenges are vast and complex, with local implications. Equally, there are increasing opportunities to address and overcome these challenges
Looking Forward: Connecting Futures Thinking Mediation and Reconciliation
It can seem impossible for those caught up in violent conflict and its consequences to find space to imagine what peace might look like. Our new briefing paper explains how futures thinking can contr
Governing Well: Five questions aid organisations’ governing boards should be asking
Aid organisations’ governing boards could and should play a much stronger role in ensuring that the organisations they oversee meet the CHS Commitments to people affected by crisis. This “Governing W
Breaking the Starvation Cycle
The Overhead Myth that suggests that low overheads in non-profits is a sign of efficiency has led to many donors underfunding the associated administration costs of their project grants and driven a
From Operations to Outcomes: A Policy Blueprint for Locally-Led Development
Twenty global thought-leaders and 2,000 participants from over 100 countries discussed what it will take to operationalize locally-led development. This report outlines insights from those discussion
Systems Innovation Guide Series
This guide is designed to give readers a high-level overview to what systems innovation is. We first give a short historical overview to the rise of the concept before going on to talk about the curr
The Majority of Localization Efforts Have Failed. THIS ONE CONTINUES TO SHINE.
The vast majority of localization efforts have failed. The purpose of this study is not to unpack the reasons for these failures (others already have), but rather tocelebrate the demonstrated success
Passing the Buck: Economics of Localizing International Assistance
A study by the Share Trust and the Warande Advisory Centre estimates the economic implications of shifting 25% of Official Development Assistance (ODA) - aligned with Grand Bargain and USAID commitme
HDP Nexus: Challenges and Opportunities for its Implementation Final Report
This study on the challenges and opportunities of implementing the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus (or Triple Nexus) was commissioned by the European Commission, EEAS and ECHO. The study builds