A closer look at the OECD estimates reveals that assistance to least developed countries actually fell in 2022. Foreign aid spent at home now surpasses what big donors give to respond to the world
Peace as a Foundation for the Triple Nexus – A Global Policy Perspective
On 4 April 2023, Sharon Bhagwan Rolls, Regional Representative – GPPAC Pacific & Shifting the Power Coalition, Programme – Manager Pacific Women's Mediators Network, offered her reflections durin
Progress on reforming international development
In this article, we report progress on our consultations across the ‘development’ ecosystem in the nine months since the publication of the Jigsaw report that called for root and branch reform of int
Inclusive Language Guide
Language has the power to reinforce or deconstruct systems of power that maintain poverty, inequality and suffering. As we are making commitments to decolonization in practice, it is important that w
Donor approaches to overheads for local and national partners
Ensuring that local and national actors can access overheads has become a key focus for humanitarian reform efforts over the past year. Locally-led humanitarian response is more effective, more effic
Metrics Matter: How USAID counts “local” will have a big impact on funding for local partners
In November 2021, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Samantha Power laid out a vision for international development with a big goal: by the end of 2025, at l
Using AI to ‘decolonise’ language
We need to find a new language, new narratives, a new world view and the tools to create the words to overcome the “grand humanitarian narrative.” Can technology help?
Saferworld’s Agents of Change: Cascade Funding Model
This brief is designed to highlight creative, innovative, and adaptive mechanisms already being implemented that provide accessible, relevant, and community-driven funding to local peace and developm
In my view: Is the aid sector racist?
Is the aid sector racist? I had been reflecting on this question for a number of years. However, after the House of Commons’ International Development Committee, which I chair, launched an inquiry in
Great New Guide to ‘Systems Thinking and Practice’
I’m always on the lookout for good guides to the practical implications of systems thinking, so got very excited when I came across Systems Thinking and Practice: A guide to concepts, principles and