Recently, the terms ‘decolonisation’ and ‘localisation’ have been the stand-out jargon within the global development and humanitarian sectors. Framed as a way to ‘shift the power’, these phrases cove
Future Innovation Cards
Organisations need to be prepared for a very different future. Bond’s Future Innovation Cards is a curated set of 50 innovations to help individuals and organisations challenge their thinking about t
Leading Change: Best Practices Guide to Empower Board Diversity
This publication examines challenges and opportunities organizations face in diversifying their boards and lays down concrete principles that organizations can incorporate and offers direction that b
Integrating Local Knowledge in Humanitarian and Development Programming: Perspectives of Global Women Leaders
This report examines local knowledge integration in the context of global development and humanitarian aid work. It builds upon a recently published report by the U.S. Agency for International Develo
Living Decoloniality: Practical experiences of decoloniality throughout the aid sector
Join humanitarian professional, researcher and activist Carla Vitantonio on a journey exploring how coloniality is being challenged throughout the aid and humanitarian sector. Living Decoloniality
Equity-oriented evaluation to transform the international cooperation industry
In July 2022, Global Change Center, Praxis UK, and Praxis Institute for Participatory Practice decided to embark on a long-term journey: we joined forces to transform inequitable practices mainstream
It’s time for an honest dialogue about ‘shifting the power’
If we are not careful, many of our efforts to “shift power” in international philanthropy will not actually shift anything. Over the past several years, philanthropy for international aid and dev
Localising Climate, Peace and Security: A Practical Step-by-Step Guidance Note for Local Peacebuilders
The GPPAC practical Step-by-Step Guide is a resource on how to document, assess, and address climate-related security risks at the local level. It outlines five steps to help local peacebuilders d
Localisation Performance Measurement Framework (LPMF)
The purpose of this Localisation Performance Measurement System (LPMF) is to evidence progress towards achieving localisation commitments. While its focus is on local and national actors, it is antic
NNGO Voices: Leader Perspectives on Locally-Led Development
The development sector is moving towards shifting power to local development, decolonizing aid, and building a more equitable development architecture. Funders, INGOs, NNGOs, and governments play cru