Reshaping the UN’s Peacebuilding Efforts with Civil Society’s Call for Genuine Partnerships and Localised Decision-Making

By: Interpeace | May 2024 | Blog



As the United Nations prepares for its 2025 Peacebuilding Architecture Review (PABR), civil society actors have mobilised to ensure that their perspectives contribute to reshaping the UN’s peacebuilding efforts. These reviews serve a dual purpose: evaluating the UN’s past and present peacebuilding and peace-sustaining efforts and enhancing the effectiveness of the UN’s future initiatives. Two recent consultations held in Nairobi, Kenya provided insights towards this process.

In May 2024, Life & Peace Institute, Saferworld, and Interpeace hosted a dialogue to share perspectives on the current state of peace and security in the Horn of Africa. The dialogue assessed the UN’s effectiveness and relevance in peacebuilding efforts, identifying challenges and areas for improvement.


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