Planning Guidance for Donors Working with INGOs and Local Partners

By: Stopping As Success | February 2020 | Toolkits



Many donors see a significant gap between their desire to foster sustainable local development and the knowledge and processes for actually doing so. The Stopping As Success (SAS) literature review, online consultation, case research, and regional workshops found again and again that donor staff working at different levels and contexts are looking for guidance on how to plan for, implement, and learn from good transitions.

This resource shares SAS lessons relevant for donors throughout the project cycle, with illustrative examples from the 20 SAS case studies as well as input gathered during review workshops with diverse practitioners. SAS also recognizes that social change is complex and requires systemic and long-term approaches that are not fully captured by the project cycle. Some of these are relevant to INGOs and local/national NGOs/CSOs, so this resource can be used along with the accompanying resources for those groups. SAS tools, cases, and issue papers provide further insight about adaptations in diverse contexts and partnerships, and are linked throughout.


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