Inclusive philanthropy for inclusive development: A systems thinking approach

By: WINGS | February 2024 | Blog



A critical dilemma confronting the global development sector is the persistent focus of philanthropy on merely addressing the symptoms of deep-seated social challenges, despite the abundance of resources and the collective efforts of organisations and individuals within the sector.

This gap between philanthropic intentions and outcomes took centre stage during the 7th edition of WINGSForum held in Nairobi, Kenya, between October 3-5, 2023. WINGSForum 2023 brought together over 300 change-makers to explore how philanthropy could evolve to tackle emerging global disruptions, including Covid-19, climate change, and technological advancements in AI.

Discussions at the forum emphasised the need for a shift towards addressing root social issues, fostering participatory grant-making, empowering communities, and aiming for sustainable, long-term objectives, and highlighted the essential role of a systems change approach to transform philanthropy for more equitable and inclusive development. This also resonates with the 10 principles from the Philanthropy Transformation Initiative (PTI) outlined by WINGS.


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