Equity-oriented evaluation to transform the international cooperation industry

By: Global Change Center, Praxis UK, and Praxis Institute for Participatory Practice | August 2023 | Reports and Policy Briefs



In July 2022, Global Change Center, Praxis UK, and Praxis Institute for Participatory Practice decided to embark on a long-term journey: we joined forces to transform inequitable practices mainstreamed in the evaluation of international cooperation initiatives worldwide.

Between July 2022 and August 2023, we evolved a Southern-led and participatory action-research commissioned by Ford Foundation.

This joint analysis was oriented to advance: 1) the understanding of the
equity-centered international cooperation evaluation landscape, and 2) identify gaps and
opportunities, that if seized, would help increase demand for equity-centered evaluation among international cooperation funders.

We conducted a Southern-led assessment to hear from a variety of stakeholders working in international cooperation, paying particular attention to the often overlooked perspectives and ideas of those from and based in the Global South, where the majority of international cooperation efforts are located.


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