Drawn from our work over several years with a number of partners, these 10 radical actions are meant to guide donors and local organizations in moving from promises of supporting locally-led social c
What does it mean to be community?led? Community leaders’ perspectives on principles, practices and impacts (Part 1)
Over 2020, the GFCF, along with field partners in six countries, engaged in participatory research with knowledgeable local community leaders to: Over 2020, the GFCF, along with field partners in
Innovation for Localisation: Exploring the Impact of Channeling Unrestricted Funding to NNGOs in Emergency Contexts
The impetus for advancing solutions towards local leadership, dispelling the risk narrative, and as a result increasing L/NNGOs’ access to unrestricted institutional funding has never been greater. D
Transform or die? Existential questions and ways forward for INGOs
Even before the Covid-19 crisis, INGOs had pre-existing challenges in declining income in recent years. Now is the time for boards and executive leadership teams to make the tough decisions that h
Global Peacebuilding Policy: Analysing Local to Global Engagement
This report provides a snapshot of the current state of local to global engagement within the global peacebuilding policy space from the perspective of both local and global actors, with focused atte
Responsible INGO Transitions and Locally Led Development
A key component of working towards locally led development is to enable responsible partnership transition processes. This is especially crucial in the aid sector where donor priorities regularly shi
Turning the Tables: Insights from locally-led humanitarian partnerships in conflict situations”,
aking a fresh and critical look at localisation, this report calls on international humanitarian organisations and donors to rethink their approaches to partnerships in conflict-affected crisis situa
NGO Leaders On Current & Future Change: CEO Survey Report
During this unprecedented time, 115 executives responded to the InterAction NGO Futures 2022 annual survey, representing the full spectrum of size and diversity across international development, huma
Planning Guidance for Donors Working with INGOs and Local Partners
Many donors see a significant gap between their desire to foster sustainable local development and the knowledge and processes for actually doing so. The Stopping As Success (SAS) literature review,
Animated Manifesto for Change
In March 2019, the GFCF invited a group of partners from Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia to travel to London for a few days to attend the annual BOND conference as well as a day-long brai