Between COP28, the war in Gaza, and the holiday season, this year’s Global Refugee Forum may have flown under the radar for many. But more than 3,000 people gathered in Geneva last week for what the
Power Dynamics in Foreign Aid
This report summarizes efforts by an international team of academics and practitioners to reflect on changing power dynamics in foreign aid through a series of one-on-one consultations, workshops, an
Knowledge Translation in the Global South: Bridging Different Ways of Knowing for Equitable Development
This study explores knowledge translation (KT) in the global South and provides recommendations for funders to support more effective structures and strategies for the use of research for equitable d
The transformative power of intersectionality: Practices to promote social justice
How can intersectional approaches to reducing inequalities be applied in practice? Eleven of our partner organizations from our Support Program „Reducing Inequalities through Intersectional Practice“
Integrating intersectionality into our work
To be effective in tackling systemic inequalities, organizations need to adopt an intersectional approach. Translating this into practice is, however, often a challenge. Rana Zincir Celal describes w
Leading Change: Best Practices Guide to Empower Board Diversity
This publication examines challenges and opportunities organizations face in diversifying their boards and lays down concrete principles that organizations can incorporate and offers direction that b
Equity-oriented evaluation to transform the international cooperation industry
In July 2022, Global Change Center, Praxis UK, and Praxis Institute for Participatory Practice decided to embark on a long-term journey: we joined forces to transform inequitable practices mainstream
Governing Well: Five questions aid organisations’ governing boards should be asking
Aid organisations’ governing boards could and should play a much stronger role in ensuring that the organisations they oversee meet the CHS Commitments to people affected by crisis. This “Governing W
International NGOs and the Long Humanitarian Century: Legacy, Legitimacy, and Leading into the Future
The rise of powerful international NGOs (INGOs) is widely recognized as a key development in the international humanitarian landscape over the last century, especially in the last thirty years. The p
Exploring women’s leadership in 5 INGOs: A Feminist Learning Journey
Action Research network and Bond began delving into these challenges with women directors from Restless Development, Plan UK, HelpAge International, BRAC International and ActionAid UK. Over the last