Decolonisation is a new way of confronting racism. It means rooting out colonial-era attitudes of white superiority that linger in our societies and institutions
Localisation and Decolonisation
In this paper Peace Direct explore the nuances of each concept, examine the problematic mixing of the terms, and outline how we can change systems in a tangible way.As Peace Direct Chief Executive, D
Rethinking Humanitarianism | Is ‘decolonised aid’ an oxymoron?
When The New Humanitarian hosted a private convening on decolonising aid earlier this year, the conversation in the room revealed a chasm within the humanitarian aid community. There are two very
Transitioning to a locally led model
A locally led humanitarian system that is accountable to people at risk or affected by crisis is also one where communities have agency and voice over humanitarian interventions that respond to their
Decolonising Aid: A reading and resource list
In the last couple of years, "decolonising aid" has become a buzz term in the sector, and much has been written and said about the topic. Here is a list of articles, podcasts, videos, and other re
Racism in aid sector is a hangover of colonialism, says scathing report by MPs
Senior roles still dominated by white people while appeals depict countries as inferior to UK, says international development committee
Anti-Racist and Decolonial Framework
This framework has been developed to help Start Network, our members and teams understand and address the many ways in which racism and colonialism can affect our work.
Localization, decolonizing and #ShiftThePower; are we saying the same thing?
Localization has been one of the buzzwords of the sector ever since it emerged from the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016. Since then, the word has become so widespread that it is hard to keep track
Racism in the aid sector
In the last two years, since the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, many countries around the world have faced a day of reckoning on racial injustice in their societies. Questions of equality an
Race, Power and Peacebuilding
Race, Power & Peacebuilding is our latest report, which aims to explore and to understand how racism manifests itself in the peacebuilding sector. This report is a summary of a global consulta