“This is not just for the Global South, but for our global survival,” Nana Afadzinu, Executive Director at West Africa Civil Society Institute (WASCI), told us as 700 people from 70+ countries gather
Saferworld’s Agents of Change: Cascade Funding Model
This brief is designed to highlight creative, innovative, and adaptive mechanisms already being implemented that provide accessible, relevant, and community-driven funding to local peace and developm
Rethinking Humanitarianism | Is ‘decolonised aid’ an oxymoron?
When The New Humanitarian hosted a private convening on decolonising aid earlier this year, the conversation in the room revealed a chasm within the humanitarian aid community. There are two very
Transitioning to a locally led model
A locally led humanitarian system that is accountable to people at risk or affected by crisis is also one where communities have agency and voice over humanitarian interventions that respond to their
Anti-Racist and Decolonial Framework
This framework has been developed to help Start Network, our members and teams understand and address the many ways in which racism and colonialism can affect our work.
Localization, decolonizing and #ShiftThePower; are we saying the same thing?
Localization has been one of the buzzwords of the sector ever since it emerged from the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016. Since then, the word has become so widespread that it is hard to keep track
Five Accelerators of Equitable Grantmaking and How to Harness Them
Global crises of the past two years have yielded at least one silver lining for nonprofits: They have accelerated a movement among grantmakers to match the duration and flexibility of their funding t
Financing peacebuilding ecosystems
The need for peacebuilding is real. Peacebuilding aims to address the drivers underlying conflict, as well as the drivers of resilience, to promote prevention and sustain peace. Peacebuilding extends