Official Development Assistance (ODA) from European countries and the EU institutions has been a large and important source of grant funding for international peacebuilding over the last twenty years
Becoming locally led as an anti-racist practice: a guide
This draft guide has been developed in response to the growing demand from the international development sector, the UK in particular, to ensure that organisations change how they work, make decision
Localisation and Decolonisation
In this paper Peace Direct explore the nuances of each concept, examine the problematic mixing of the terms, and outline how we can change systems in a tangible way.As Peace Direct Chief Executive, D
The Decolonisers
Decolonisation is a new way of confronting racism. It means rooting out colonial-era attitudes of white superiority that linger in our societies and institutions
Why is “locally led development” missing the mark?
INGOs’ current interest in power and equity is welcome and long overdue. Barely a day goes by without a webinar or new report on shifting power, decolonising aid or transforming development. Vario
The High Price of Lowballing Local Organizations
In the push to “localize” humanitarian aid, most funders are ignoring the obvious. What do you do when people who give you something you badly need but insult or injure you in the process? You smi
Financing Peacebuilding and the Triple Nexus: Organizational Structures and Incentives to Improve Coherence
policy recommendations as part of the Good Peacebuilding Financing initiative. While high-level events can be useful for galvanizing political commitment, the translation of those commitments into
Decolonising Aid: A reading and resource list
In the last couple of years, "decolonising aid" has become a buzz term in the sector, and much has been written and said about the topic. Here is a list of articles, podcasts, videos, and other re
Is Ukraine the next tipping point for humanitarian aid reform?
Mega-crises have the potential to trigger sector-wide humanitarian reform. The aid responses to these crises are usually highly visible, attract generous levels of funding, and involve numerous and v
Community-driven systems change
Community-driven systems change is an approach to development and social transformation that emphasizes the insight, leadership, and ownership of the people who are living and experiencing issues at