This paper fills a gap in existing literature and practice where intersectional feminist approaches to technology meet intersectional feminist approaches to peacebuilding. It set out to explore how i
Case Study: Ford + Twaweza
Case study of how the Ford Foundation has sought to make its funding practices more equitable.
This site is an evolving space to share reflections and provocations on the future of development. I hope it will provide food for thought on the choices we are all making – governments, business, in
A New Evidence Localization Initiative at USAID
We’ve long been big fans of using evaluations and evidence to inform development policy and programming. CGD recently convened a working group of policymakers and experts from over 20 countries to re
Foreign Aid Was Supposed To Help Nations In Need. It Has Instead Enriched Western Contractors
How the aid-industrial complex undercuts regional expertise and gives a competitive advantage to Western contractors with networks of ‘independent consultants’
The humanitarian sector is far behind its ‘localization’ aims
While the delineation of humanitarian aid, development, and peacebuilding does not exist in the everyday lives of people, the international system continues to operate in silos. The status quo separa
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Direct Acquisition & Assistance Funding for Localization
This document provides the methodology for three localization indicators that measure direct funding to local partners obligated through acquisition and assistance (A&A) instruments: 1) Direct Lo
Peace as a Foundation for the Triple Nexus – A Global Policy Perspective
On 4 April 2023, Sharon Bhagwan Rolls, Regional Representative – GPPAC Pacific & Shifting the Power Coalition, Programme – Manager Pacific Women's Mediators Network, offered her reflections durin
Why foreign aid isn’t as generous as the latest figures might suggest
A closer look at the OECD estimates reveals that assistance to least developed countries actually fell in 2022. Foreign aid spent at home now surpasses what big donors give to respond to the world
RINGO Phase 2 Strategy: Executive Summary
During the first phase of the RINGO Project, our Social Lab of changemakers embarked on a unique journey of re-imagining the INGO. This involved a process of discovering the barriers to change within