‘Peace’ in the HumanitarianDevelopment-Peacebuilding Nexus Learning and Practice Note

By: Network for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding | October 2022 | Reports and Policy Briefs



As part of the Danish Network for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding (CPPB)’s Peace in the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus initiative, CDA Collaborative Learning (CDA) conducted global research with Danish civil society organizations (CSOs) working internationally and their partners. The research examined key components of bottom-up peacebuilding, and ways it contributes to development and humanitarian outcomes, promising practices of local peacebuilders, the HDP nexus (also called the triple nexus), power imbalances between local actors and international organizations, and good practices for applying conflict sensitivity across the HDP nexus. This practice note synthesizes the findings of that research and presents strategies for CSOs to integrate bottom-up peacebuilding across the HDP nexus to strengthen outcomes of humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding programming. While the research was conducted with Danish CSOs, the findings are of relevance to CSOs elsewhere as well as for donor agencies that set funding and policy parameters for CSO work across the triple nexus.


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